Katerina is the soul of WBL. She started her career in 1990 with the big four industry and continued in the sector until she reached senior management level following almost 12 years of experience. She then moved to investment banking, where she spent another 4 years as a general counsel of an investment bank to later create her own private practice, after securing a substantial multinational client following. Katerina was always passionate to become an international lawyer. In 2007, during a successful and flourishing professional performance as a Greek lawyer, she graduated from BPP law school in London to become a solicitor in England & Wales and a full practicing solicitor since February 2011. Since then, Katerina added English jurisdiction to her services advising, among others, family offices and High Net Woth Individual clients of international trust companies. Later in 2014 and until 2021 she was one of the 150 partners of a reputable City of London law firm to decide later in 2022 to devote her professional time and efforts exclusively to WBL and its business development.